
Bringing GP practices together with local services

Welcome to Huntingdon PCN.

Our vision is to bring together the 4 GP Practices in Huntingdon, who currently serve 47,000 patients,
with other local services to provide the best care in the right place.

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Our Practices


Medicines Waste: Only Order What You Need

What’s the problem? A report by the Department of Health estimates that unused medicines cost the NHS around £300 million […]

Let’s Eliminate Hepatitis C

What is hepatitis C? Hepatitis C is a blood borne virus. It is transmitted when infected blood entersanother person’s blood […]

Seasonal health: how to cope in hot weather

Most of us welcome hot weather, but when it’s too hot, there are health risks. During heatwaves, more people than usual get seriously ill. Make sure hot weather does not harm you or anyone you know.

Get your blood pressure checked

The only way to know if you have high blood pressure is to get a blood pressure test to lower your […]

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